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Functional Medicine and Chiropractic

Functional medicine: medicine focusing on root causes of problems in order to enhance optimal organ and systemic function.


What to expect during your visit?

Prairie Roots Chiropractic believes in spending quality time understanding the unique needs of each patient. For new patient visits, please plan to spend about 90 minutes in our office. On your first visit, you can expect to spend 45-60 minutes visiting with Dr. Cheryl about your specific health concerns. Then, you’ll enjoy approximately 20-30 minutes of therapy.

For subsequent visits, please plan to spend 15-20 minutes with Dr. Cheryl and then 20-25 minutes enjoying therapy.


How can functional medicine help you?

Dr. Cheryl offers comprehensive functional medicine care for you and your family. She takes time to visit with each patient in an effort to truly understand the nature of their health concerns. Click the tabs below to learn about the specialty services she offers.


+ New Patient Exams

This exam includes a whole-life health history to help determine the root of the problems the patient is facing or the specific health areas they want to improve. Dr. Cheryl will complete a whole-body physical examination of all organ systems, stress, and overall physical function as well as a look at whole-body composition to assess muscle, bone, water, and the energy of the body. New patients can expect to spend 45-60 minutes with Dr. Cheryl, plus any suggested therapies.

+ Patient Re-exams

This exam builds on the plan created in the new patient exam. Depending on the complexity of the patient’s condition, re-exams will be suggested as often as Dr. Cheryl believes necessary in order to keep the patient moving forward.

+ Electro-muscle Stimulation (EMS)

Electro-muscle stimulation aids in relaxation of muscle spasms, improves local blood circulation and flow, re-educates muscles using targeted stimulation, helps to preserve and improve range of motion, and promotes management and reduction of pain.

+ Intersegmental Traction (IST)

This therapy increases mobility and stretches ligaments and muscles and reduces muscle spasms. It also increases blood flow and oxygen to discs, ligaments and muscles, thereby improving balance, strength and mobility.

+ Heating Pad

Time spent on the heating pad promotes relaxation, relief from muscle aches and joint pain. Also beneficial for immune system support.

+ Far-Infrared Sauna

Far-infrared sauna therapy promotes detoxification, relief from stress and fatigue, and relief from arthritis and joint pain. Also beneficial in promoting weight loss and calorie burning. Time spent in the sauna promotes an increased metabolism, overall immune system support, and often aides in improving skin conditions.

+ Whole-body Vibration (Neuromuscular Re-education)

This form of therapy aides in fall prevention, promotes and increase in muscular strength, and can reduce and/or alleviate chronic pain. Whole-body vibration can also diminish the appearance of cellulite, support weight loss, increase bone density and prevent bone mineral density loss related to aging. People who regularly use this therapy may also notice an improvement and increase in circulation and improved function of the cardiovascular system, improved flexibility, and range of motion, and an overall improvement in general wellbeing, fitness, and daily life functioning.

+ Nutrition Consultation

Dr. Cheryl offers personalized diet, lifestyle, and nutrient support, created individually for each patient through lab tests, medical history, and a physical examination.

+ Supplement Checkups

Supplement checkups help to determine the ideal supplement protocol for each patient, ensuring they aren’t spending time and money on products that don’t benefit them.

+ Acupuncture

Acupuncture aides in improved overall well-being, improved organ function, promotes muscle relaxation and hormone regulation (PMS relief), and also promotes joint pain relief.

+ Hormone, micronutrient, and cardiovascular evaluation through lab work

Dr. Cheryl offers the best and most quantitative lab work out there to determine functional imbalances through saliva, urine, and blood testing.